Navigation Buttons


Navigation Buttons help users move between the different defined panels in a Panel Navigator. The Navigation Buttons properties allow you to determine whether a 'Next', 'Previous', and/or 'Back' button should be included in the Navigator. These properties then allow you to assign the pre-defined button in the Navigator's header or footer that should carry out the given navigation task.

Has 'Previous card' button

Specify if this Panel Navigator has a 'Previous Card' button in its Header and Footer. When a user clicks the previous button this will open the Panel that is the next down on the Panel list. The button to be used as the 'Previous card' button is assign in 'Previous card' button Id property.

'Previous card' button Id

Specify the Id of the button in the Panel Navigator Header or Footer that should be used for the 'Previous' button.

Has 'Next card' button

Specify if this Panel Navigator has a 'Next Card' button in its Header and Footer. Checking this property will open the 'Next button Id' property, which assigns the 'Next card' button to an existing button control. When a user clicks on a 'Next card' button they will move to the next Panel in the control.

Next button Id

Specify the Id of the button in the Panel Navigator Header or Footer that should be used for the 'Next' button. In order for the dropdown to show any choices a Panel Header or Footer containing defined buttons is required.

Has 'Back' button

Specify if the Navigator has a 'Back' button that moves to the previously viewed Panel. This is different than the 'Previous' Panel, which relies on the Panel order. Typically used when the Panel Navigator uses the 'List' navigation method.

Back button id

Specify the Id of the button in the Panel Navigator Header or Footer that should be used for the 'Back' button.